Hello Fellow Lovers of Healing the Energy of the World --
Wiliam Faulkner wrote: "The past is never dead. It's not even past."

For me, this quickly raises he question: what do we know, feel, and think about the past's effects on us? What has happened that gave us so many problems?  What do we mean by "past"?  
     For one, the past is what has happened to the conscious "I" - the person who is here now carrying some memories of some of what has happened since birth. And more important for many of us, we carry pain on several levels: Physical, Mental, Emotional, Spiritual. Where from? Why? Sometimes these are consciously tied to past events or traumas that are known. Often not, yet the pain is real and very much here now. Present time is where effective healing can happen. 

   Homes and land also retain what has happened in, on, and near them, so in a sense, they have personal and ancestral histories. When we move into a house, we start to pick up signals of the energies of everyone who has lived there. Some families have left mostly warm feelings; others have had unhappy lives that left their imprinted emotions. In this way, we live with the ancestral pasts of others. The good news is that houses are easier to clear than people and often turn out to be as important as our personal stories.

  Because the past is not even past, it is available for healing in present time, in messages form body and spirit.  It is not helpful, actually, to spend too much time in the past, reliving old trauma, rehashing painful memories. 

   The next level of the past that we encounter in Clearing work is the Ancestral past. We have realized that we embody events in our ancestors' lives, good and bad. They are in the present. We have the ability to recognize and transcend ancestral patterns, programs, and habits. Consider one who has been mistreated and disapproved of by a parent.  It helps enormously to clear both the client's present issue and also clear the ancestral line of patterns of parental disapproval.
     Working with homes, we find ancestral patterns imprinted in the energy fields.. The home taks in everything that has happened, including the ancestral unconscious memories of the people who live there.

     Those are key influences, but there are more. Our own soul histories can carry important material. We may have had many lives since our first arising in this realm. For at least 3000 years, this planet has been a place of conflict and violence. Often, current issues are resolved by clearing past life trauma.   
     These past human activities have formed collective programs and beliefs. Each society has core beliefs, some harmful to life. There are things we're not supposed to feel or think, lest we be out of tune with our society. Hard to break free until we recognize them. 

     Of course, thee things are embedded on our homes and in fact all our buildings, plus the portions of the earth we have polluted.  Here now, the history of humans, still with us.  We feel and think that we need to clear as much of this as possible to free ourselves from the tyranny of unmetabolizd grief that so burdens this planet and all our lives.

   Patti and I both have discovered how far we can go with dissolving the many factors that make up what we aren't loving about our present experience.
 Joe Casey

This still resonates so strongly that it seems worth repeating.


From Patti Leahy and Joe Casey


If emotions are not running high in your life, you must have good meditation skills. Everywhere, the societal brakes are off. Acting out what we delicately call unhelpful emotion is pandemic as never before in my life.. Every one of us feels the simmering material. We could pretend we are not affected, not upset, not disturbed
by it, but that would be less than true for most of us,
Events that bother us. People who seem to disturb our tranquility. Restimulated memories of trauma. Frustration.  Very much in the air now. 
As we wrote last month, we can each take care of our own corner of the universe. That helps everyone,
We are here to assist, guide and clear. 
Flower Essences, Soul Path Clearing, Herbal Medicines, One-on-One Assistance by Phone, Home Clearing
Elderberry Medicine
It is the season to be thinking of this wonderful preventative

"Looking for a natural remedy that has a very long history of medicinal use? There’s evidence that the elderberry may have been cultivated by prehistoric man. There are also recipes for elderberry-based medications dating back to Ancient Egypt. However, most historians typically trace its healing abilities back to Hippocrates, the ancient Greek known as the “father of medicine,” who described the plant as his “medicine chest” because of the wide array of health concerns it seemed to cure..."  Dr. Axe

Elderberry Syrup Dried Herb Packet   2.2 oz.   $18
All the dried herbs to make your own daily immune-boosting goodness.


With this packet, you can make Elderberry Syrup, Tea, Lozenges, Tincture, Child favorite Jello Jigglers, and daily dose measured Ice Cubes. You provide sweeteners, extract bases, and other ingredients of choice.

This neat packet makes a quart or more of syrup (32 Oz.). 
Can refrigerate for up to 3 months if using equal amounts of honey.
Contains: Elderberries, dried; Marshmallow Root, Elecampane Root, Ginger Root, and Cinnamon.
directions for making Syrup on back of package.
Well received by many as a gift for the holidays.   Why not order some now for your family and friends?

Elderberry Tincture     1 Oz.  $11      2 Oz.  $20     4 Oz.  $36
Herbal extract renowned for both overall immune strength and cold and flu comfort and healing.  Postage paid in continental US

Patti has completed the next batch of Solomon Seal Salves
Place your order now for either 1.5 oz. or 3 oz. tins.   
I am offering very effective phone sessions for the relief of what bothers you. Phone sessions are surprisingly effective - there is so much focus. 
 Clients say it better than I can and provide a range of  Clients' Stories
You might consider a Soul Path Clearing or Home and Land Energy Healing., for your self or as a gift,


You can use these excellent herbals to strengthen your whole system. They are time-tested and very beneficial. 

Herbal Products
  for right now.

Cold and Flu Relief Tea 

2.25 oz packet  $
Prepare as tea, or cook as a great cough syrup. Addresses irritated mucus linings of sinus, throat and lungs.  Also great for environment allergies. Makes up to 6 cups of concentrate . 
Excellent Tinctures
I have been making salves and tinctures for 20+ years. I formulated these products with the idea of supporting well-being with all natural and organic ingredients. 
Many other herbs and larger sizes on request. contact us to explore filling your needs. 
Cold and Flu Relief Blend Tincture
Support for all over body cold and flu discomforts. Works nicely used with the Cold & Flu Relief Tea too.
Elderberry Tincture     1 Oz.  $11       2 Oz.  $20       4 Oz.  $36
Herbal extract is renowned for both overall immune strength and cold and flu comfort and healing.  All the berries were wildcrafted in Oregon by Patti and Joe.
Elecampane Root Tincture   1 Oz.  $11     2 Oz. $20        4 Oz. $36
Highly useful for immune strength, as a respiratory tonic and digestive aid.
Locally grown in pesticide and chemical free gardens in Oregon. Harvested and processed by Patti.   

Grace in Grieving Flower Essence Blend
Grieving is a normal process of healing from loss of someone or something we love - or are attached to. The death of a beloved person or animal friend can be deep beyond words.
We also experience loss in many areas of our lives: loss of work, abilities, relationships, or even precious items can be causes of great sorrow.
It is good for us to allow those deep feelings.

Not to forget the strong overlay in the world of grief-causing acts and craziness. 

This blend helps with the metabolism of grief. It can help us acknowledge and be with the truth of our feelings.  It nurtures Essential Being throughout the stages.

Contains: Flower Essences of Fig, Marshmallow, Lilac, Red-Flowering Chestnut, Mock Orange, Comfrey, Scarlet Bush Bean, Arugula.



Crisis Care:   Our General All-Purpose Take It with You and Use It Everywhere Blend 

This  blend was created to support your integrated self in moments of stress. Useful after accidents, major and minor.  
Crisis Care is most useful for sudden unwelcome shocks and changes. 
Helps recalibrate our energy field for finding center and focus amid stress. 

Good for stressed children, even small ones, if you dilute it.

Read about and order Crisis Care here 

And our two Winter favorites, Season's De-stress and Winter Shine, help with mood.

More about our vibration-raising group of 18 Flower Essence Blends
Patti is scheduling private consultations and Personal Custom Blends. 
Inquire by Reply Email.

How About an Energetically and Spiritually Healthy Home?

We love doing Home and Land Clearing.  Every place has spirits - some good, some not good at all. They are common in houses. Every place has a history of events that have left imprints. Land remembers everything that ever happened on it. Houses remember everything. Every home has a whole slew of beliefs imprinted from the past, many of them not helpful today. 

I have had a long interest in trauma and recovery. The book is a help if you have some time to prepare. Prepared patients have better outcomes.  Proven useful non-medical things we can all do to be ready and aware.

The recordings are good any time up to surgery. Weeks before, if you have time. Even or a few days.

The MP3 link takes you to a summary of a serious study showing that surgery patients do significantly better with hypnosis as part of the preparation. .

I offer individual sessions by phone - Pre and post-Surgery and not-quite hypnosis, but effective at relieving worries and apprehensions. There's no question these tools enhance recovery and healing. 

 "This book is great – and very well referenced. Thank you for that detail!  Will feature in an upcoming “e” or newsletter."

Christiane Northrup, MD


Amazon Link to The Surgery Coach


Link to Pre and Post-Surgery MP3s



 WorldEnergyHealing’s work is to help with liberation from limiting ideas, thoughts, beliefs, and old stuff from the past for which we have no further use.  And outside influences that don’t belong to us.

Clearing of Soul Path and Home
Flower Essences for vibration adjustment
One-on-One sessions for expansion of freedom.

What We Do - For You and For Us

1. Clearing regularly. We do it for ourselves. This does a lot for us. As humans, we already have layer upon layer of limiting stuff: adopted unconscious beliefs, family programs, and more. Plus, we pick up negatives constantly. The world enters in unavoidably, just as we enter the world.

Next Level Personal Clearing


2. Keeping the house clear. House energy affects everything and everyone. It’s amazing how much. We work here, so it’s important  to us. We do it mostly intuitively, when we feel the need Houses tend to stay clearer longer than people, but, you know, the world.  Most places ought to be redone every six months at least; sooner if stress is high.

Next Level Home Clearing


3. Flower Essences raise vibrations. Great companion for Clearing. Patti has been developing brilliant formulas for life situations. Her Soul consultations with Essences are profound.

Liberation with Essences 

4. EFT is another method of clearing no longer useful energy. Absolutely for use on ourselves for anything that bothers us.  And in phone or in-person sessions, it’s an effective way to assist the healing of wounds. It's more effective than doing it alone, for most of us..

Sessions with Joe 

Our mission is World Energy Healing.  All are welcome to play along. Everyone can heal something in the world. We do a little.  Join us on Facebook under this name.
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